The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases and Allied Sciences

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VOLUME 52 , ISSUE 4 ( October-December, 2010 ) > List of Articles


Coexistent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Heart Failure: Mechanisms, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemmas

Sunil K Chhabra, Mansi Gupta

Citation Information : Chhabra SK, Gupta M. Coexistent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Heart Failure: Mechanisms, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemmas. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2010; 52 (4):225-238.

DOI: 10.5005/ijcdas-52-4-225

License: NA

Published Online: 10-12-2010

Copyright Statement:  NA


Mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is more often due to cardiac rather than respiratory causes. The coexistence of heart failure (HF) and COPD is frequent but remains under-diagnosed. Both conditions share several similarities including the age of the population affected, a common risk factor in smoking and symptoms of exertional dyspnoea. There is also a strong possibility of COPD promoting atherosclerotic vascular disease through systemic inflammation. Both the conditions are punctuated by episodes of acute exacerbations of symptoms from time to time where differentiation between these two can be especially challenging. Although coexistence of the two is common, more often, only one of the two is diagnosed resulting in under-treatment and unsatisfactory response. Awareness of co-occurrence is essential among both pulmonologists and cardiologists and a high index of suspicion should be maintained. The coexistence of the COPD and HF also poses several challenges in management. Active search for the second disease using clinical examination supplemented with specialised investigations including plasma natriuretic peptides, lung function testing and echocardiography should be carried out followed by appropriate management. Issues such as adverse effects of drugs on cardiac or pulmonary function need to be sorted out by studies in coexistent COPD-HF patients. Caution is advised with use of â2-agonists in COPD when HF is also present, more so in acute exacerbations. On current evidence, the beneficial effects of selective â1-blockers should not be denied in stable patients who have coexistent COPD-HF. The prognosis of coexistent COPD and HF is poorer than that in either disease alone. A favourable response in the patient with coexistent COPD and HF depends on proper evaluation of the severity of each of the two and appropriate management with judicious use of medication.

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