Severe Lipoid Pneumonia Following Aspiration of Machine Oil: Successful Treatment with Steroids
CK Indumathi, S Vikram Kumar, Prima Paul, Sanjiv Lewin
Citation Information :
Indumathi C, Kumar SV, Paul P, Lewin S. Severe Lipoid Pneumonia Following Aspiration of Machine Oil: Successful Treatment with Steroids. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2012; 54 (3):197-199.
Lipoid pneumonia in children follows mineral oil aspiration and may result in acute respiratory failure. Majority of the patients recover without long-term morbidity, though a few may be left with residual damage to the lungs. We report a case of a two-and-a-half-year-old child with persistent lipoid pneumonia following accidental inhalation of machine oil, who was successfully treated with steroids.
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