Citation Information :
Madan K, Nattusamy L, Arava S. Tracheobronchopathia Osteochondroplastica: A Rare Cause of Difficult Intubation. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2014; 56 (3):187-189.
Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica is a rare benign airway disorder which is characterised by submucosal nodules projecting into the tracheo-bronchial lumen usually involving the cartilaginous portions of the tracheo-bronchial tree or larynx. The condition is usually asymptomatic but can rarely present with difficulty during endotracheal intubation or rarely with obstructive airway complications. Bronchoscopic appearance is usually sufficient to make the diagnosis, and tissue biopsies are seldom required. No specific treatment is required in asymptomatic patients. However, interventional bronchoscopy procedures or surgery may be helpful in symptomatic cases
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