Citation Information :
Gupta ML, Bhandari C, Mishra M, Sinha J. Tracheobronchial Compression by Right-sided Aortic Arch in a Middle Aged Male. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci 2012; 54 (1):45-47.
Exertional dyspnoea is a common symptom among middle-aged population. Diagnostic evaluation of such patients is often challenging and confusing. We report a patient presenting with exertional dyspnoea and an obstructive ventilatory defect on spirometry that was refractory to bronchodilator therapy. Careful review of the chest radiograph and spirometry pointed towards variable intra-thoracic airways obstruction as a cause of dyspnoea. Contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) of the thorax and bronchoscopy established the diagnosis of a right-sided aortic arch resulting in tracheobronchial compression and tracheomalacia.
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